Yesterday, some joyful news came out. The developer Guerilla Games has completely finished the development of Horizon Forbidden West. That means there is nothing in the way of finally releasing the game next month.
Horizon Forbidden West is a game primarily known as a title for the PlayStation 5. But the flagship game is also coming out for the PlayStation 4. And that version has now finally been given the spotlight.
PlayStation 4 version Horizon Forbidden West
On the PlayStation Blog came a post showing several videos, giving us a good idea of what the game looks like on the PlayStation 4. In doing so, the developer did use the PS4 Pro to record the footage. That console is no longer being made and is hard to come by, so it remains to be seen if the game will look as good on your console.
This first video shows the Utaru Tribe and how they live in the world of Horizon Forbidden West. Since it’s all a bit quiet, it’s a nice way for the developer to show how the game looks on the PlayStation 4. The second video shows something different in that regard. It shows Alloy taking on enemies and cleverly using traps to outwit them.
Multiple enemies at once
Action can also be found in the third video, in which Alloy must try to defeat multiple enemies at the same time. By making good use of the bow and arrow and other elements, she manages to emerge victorious in Horizon Forbidden West. So also on the PlayStation 4.
Would you prefer to see the game in stills? Then these screenshots of the PlayStation 4 version of Forbidden West are worth a look. Want to read more about gaming? Then visit our overview page here.
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Guerilla has also shared a set of direct-feed screenshots takes from the PS4 Pro version of Horizon Forbidden West
– Nibel (@Nibellion) January 27, 2022