It’s a long wait before GTA 6 finally comes out

We finally have more certainty about the release date of the highly anticipated video game GTA 6 and we can’t wait.

Since its release in 2013, GTA 5 has been one of the biggest video games of all time. On its first day, it already broke its first record; best-selling video game in 24 hours, and since then many records have been added here.

Due to the immense success of GTA 5, fans have been waiting for ages for Rockstar to finally release the sequel, but after ten years of waiting, it’s still not here. But it is getting closer. We already knew that the game will come out sometime in 2025, but we just got more certainty about when in the year we can expect GTA 6.

GTA 6 release date

The long-awaited sequel to the 2013 hit game GTA 5 is finally getting closer. We heard earlier than we could expect GTA 6 sometime in 2025, but for rest had no certainty as to when in 2015 this would be.

But this has recently changed. Take Two Interactive has shed more light on GTA 6’s release date. They did this while sharing their quarterly earnings. We now know to expect the game in the fall of 2025. Hopefully this will stay the same and the game will not be delayed again.

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It has been more than a decade since GTA 5 came out, so fans are ready for a new Grand Theft Auto game. The first trailer for GTA 6 broke the record for YouTube’s most watched trailer launch. Fans are tired of waiting.

So GTA 6 will be released, if all goes well, in the fall of 2025. But don’t be surprised if the game is still delayed, that would be nothing new. You will play the latest installment on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X and later on the PC. How much later the PC version of the game will come out is still unclear.

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