Will GTA 6 really cost 100 euros

Will GTA 6 really cost 100 euros?

According to some rumors, GTA 6 is going to cost you quite a bit of money. Fortunately, this is not true, even though the game remains quite pricey.

As GTA 6 nears release, we daydream about every little detail of the game. That includes the price, as rumors are circulating online that the next Grand Theft Auto could cost as much as a hundred bucks.

Game prices are getting more and more inflated. With a hefty inflationary period behind them, game studios are also suffering from rising production costs. Does that mean you should raid your savings accounts for GTA 6? We figured it out for you.

Price-to-pleasure ratio

To reassure you right away: Grand Theft Auto 6 is not going to cost a hundred euros. At least not yet. That’s because no price is known for the game at all yet. The rumors circulating online right now are just that: rumors.

Will GTA 6 really cost 100 euros? (image: Rockstar Games)

The unnecessarily high price tag was also debunked by one Matthew Ball. Ball is the boss of a company that does market research in the game industry. He calculated how much popular games cost versus how many hours they keep a consumer happy.

From that came a certain price-pleasure ratio. According to Ball’s research, the ideal price range for a game the size of GTA – Ball used GTA V as an example – is around $70. A higher price would be unfavorable for sales.

Overpriced game prices

Yet recently it has become increasingly common to see games for sale at hefty prices. Also at Rockstar: the Ultimate Edition of Red Dead Redemption II was over 100 euros. This may include some bonuses, but the base game was certainly not cheap either.

Gamestudios like to point to inflation as a scapegoat for high prices. And while there is some truth to that, the excuse remains valid only up to a point. It also has to do with ambitions that gamestudios want to fulfill, something that also applies to GTA 6.

Indeed, our games are getting bigger and more real. AAA studios are running at full speed to deliver the next gaming revolution. That comes at a price. Yet Matthew Ball says something remarkable: games are cheaper than they’ve ever been.

Our games have always cost a lot

Perhaps you remember how many guilders you had to pay for a game on the PS2 (not me, by the way). Even more so for consoles. The PS2 cost 1199 guilders. That is now about 941 euros.

Also for PS2 games you paid over six tens converted. The same is true today, but often you can score games at a nicer price. According to Ball, it’s cheaper now because the game market has gotten bigger and things are produced a lot more efficiently.

That being said, you and your wallet are getting the hang of rumors about the price of GTA 6. It could just be that Rockstar will release a deluxe package just like RDR2. But for the base game, we still expect a more “normal” price tag of around 70 euros.

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