1674878952 Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max concept is beautiful but is

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max concept is beautiful: but is it realistic?

Sure: many of us are still enjoying the iPhone 14 Pro Max. But that doesn’t mean we don’t already want to see the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Will Apple go for the same design, or will they change tack? And if they do, they may well take a look at this absurdly beautiful concept.

The moment a new iPhone comes out, like the iPhone 14 last year, speculation about its successor, the iPhone 15, is already happening. In fact, that’s already happening about the iPhone 16. But what will the 15 look like? Hopefully like this concept.

iPhone 15 concept makes Apple user’s mouth water

The first thing you notice about Antonio DeRosa’s design is that the iPhone 15 Pro Max is green. Midnight Green is, in our opinion, one of the most stylish colors an iPhone (in the past the 11 Pro) has ever had. We therefore hope that Apple will offer this option when this device launches. Check out the fantastic video featuring the green iPhone.

Another intriguing line of thought from DeRosa is making the Dynamic Island on the iPhone 15 larger. This technology may still be somewhat of a gimmick, but it certainly has useful applications. Funnily enough, then, we are up for a larger version.

In addition, the designer also touches on some rumors that are already circulating. For example, he has incorporated the haptic buttons (Butterflies?) although they still stick out somewhat prominently in his design. However, there is a good chance that these will be incorporated precisely into the casing and thus will no longer be physically present.

Finally a periscopic lens?

Every time you think Apple does start repeating itself a lot (ahem, iPhone 14, anyone?), they still come up with another surprise. With the iPhone 15 Pro Max, that could be the periscopic lens anyway.

It’s popularly called a “folding” camera. That sounds like a system that makes your phone considerably thicker. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The technology for the iPhone 15 Pro Max is said to use a mirror or prism that acts like a periscope, allowing the system to use the length and width of the entire iPhone.

apple, iphone 15 pro max, conceptSo sleek and elegant! (Image: Antonio DeRosa)

All in all, DeRosa manages to hype us up quite a bit with the iPhone 15 Pro Max’s appearance and specs.

Hopefully Tim Cook of Apple and his R&D staff of the iPhone 15 Pro Max have seen this YouTube video. In case they missed something in terms of what we like, they might be able to catch on just in time.

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