The brand new version of the Apple TV has a Bionic A15 chipset on board. This allows you to watch high-resolution content and stunning picture quality, among other things. But what about its gaming performance? Can the media player hold its own against an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4?
The editors of Flatpanels HD answer that question in a comprehensive test. In terms of graphics and the like, it probably won’t be a battle, so then it comes down to other qualities. Besides, this is interesting though because of the nature of the chip: in fact, it is somewhat limited compared to the version in the iPhone 13.
Apple TV with A15 Bionic chip
Thus, the new Apple TV features a version of the chipset with four cores in the graphics processor (instead of five) and four cores in the regular processor (also: instead of five). Testing quickly shows that this iteration of the player is at least “forty percent faster than the previous model.”
Apple scores points. (Image: Apple)
In addition, this Apple TV seems to do less throttling (curb performance) than its predecessor. And that is notable, since the new player has no fan. The new iteration maintains its performance longer, even when the device gets hot (84 percent vs. 65 percent, after twenty minutes).
Faster than gaming consoles
The test also reveals that the Apple TV is faster than the previous generation of game consoles (Xbox One and PlayStation 4). In the single-core test, it passes the PS4, but not in terms of multicore. After all, the PS4 has more cores, so that would have been special too. What about graphics performance?
The new Apple TV presents 1 tflops (a higher number of teraflops means a computer can quickly display better and more beautiful images) of graphical splendor. The Xbox One offers a minimum of 1.3, while the PS4 heads toward 1.8. Finally, the player does have faster working and storage memory.