Apple, so near the end of the month, announces its quarterly results for the fourth financial quarter. And what turns out: the iPhone is going like clockwork, no one can complain. The fourth financial quarter runs parallel to the third quarter on the regular calendar and thus runs from July through the end of September 2022.
The numbers don’t lie. The Cupertino-based company posted revenue of a whopping $90.1 billion. When you subtract all costs from that, what’s left is just over $20 billion. That leaves shareholders at $1.29 per (unfortunately diluted) share.
Apple is still doing well
Compared to the same quarter last year, there is more revenue but slightly less profit. Last year, the company posted revenue of $83.4 billion and profits of $20.6 billion. Back then, such a diluted share was worth $1.24 each. So the value has increased by five cents apiece in a year.
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Looking at the full fiscal year, Apple is breaking its own records. Over the past twelve months, the iPhone maker posted revenue of a whopping $394.3. Last year, the counter remained at $365.8 billion. That’s almost a $30 billion difference; it’s hard to imagine.
And what about profits?
Looking at this year’s and last year’s profits gives the same feeling. Apple retains $99.8 billion at the bottom. Last year, that number stood at 94.7 billion. As in the past two years, by the way, the company makes no statements about any expectations for subsequent quarters.
All in all, compared to the same quarter last year, sales were up 8.1 percent. Revenue from iPhone sales increased 9.6 percent, although more iPhones were probably not sold. Prices of various models increased, which factored into the garnered revenue, among other things.