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Google finally rolls out must-have Android feature

If you bought an Android smartphone you want to protect it properly from criminals. A new feature helps you against that.

One of the biggest nightmare scenarios is having your smartphone stolen. Not only do you lose an expensive device, it’s also access to your private life and all kinds of important apps like email and WhatsApp. You don’t want this to fall into the hands of a malicious person. Android has ideal new features for that.

During Google I/O, Google presented a number of security features designed to protect you even better from criminals. These are now being rolled out.

Google protects Android users from criminals

Google is rolling out Theft Protection, or in Dutch, theft protection. It consists of three new features that optimally protect your Android smartphone if it is stolen. You get a theft detection lock, an offline device lock and a remote lock. As the name suggests, these features allow you to encrypt your phone if it is stolen. That way, no one can access your personal information.

But what exactly do these three features do? Time to dive deeper into them.

Theft Detection Lock

This feature automatically locks the screen on your Android device when it detects that someone has taken your device and run away. This feature works with AI, which can recognize when someone grabs the smartphone from your hands and tries to run or cycle away.

Offline device locking on your Android device

This feature also locks the screen, but it does so in a different way. When a thief tries to disconnect your Android smartphone for an extended period of time, your screen locks. This happens even when you are not connected to the Internet.

By the way, your screen also locks your device when it notices that many authentication attempts are automatically made. That too is a sign that presumably someone has stolen your smartphone.

Remote lock

Finally, there is the remote lock feature. This allows you to simply lock your Android smartphone with just your phone number and a quick security check by going to android.com/lock. Even then, your screen is immediately locked.

If you want to use these settings yourself, you would do well to turn them on. To find them, go to Settings and then Personal and Device Security.

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