Those who cannot live without WhatsApp will probably want to update their iPhone soon. This is because a new version of the popular application means that certain old models are no longer supported.
A major update for WhatsApp will be released on Monday, Oct. 24. In addition to fixing some major problems, and adding new features, support for older iPhone models is also disappearing.
WhatsApp no longer on your older iPhone as of Oct. 24
WhatsApp’s support page shows that iOS 11 will soon no longer be supported. Apple released the software in 2017 and still runs mainly on iPhone 5s through iPhone X. The reason behind the decision is the fact that the software can only run 64-bit applications. This may reduce WhatsApp’s performance.
Kind of weird place to hold your phone, ma’am! (Image: Rachit Tank)
So, should you have an old iPhone in your home, WhatsApp may soon stop working. To be safe, we list all the models that may still be running iOS 11 for you:
iPhone 5s | 2013
iPhone 6 (Plus) | 2014
iPhone 6s (Plus) | 2015
iPhone 7 (Plus) | 2016
iPhone 8 (Plus | 2017
iPhone X | 2017
Apple already rolled out iOS 16 last month, so chances are slim that your phone will be “the jerk. In case you’ve been putting off updates all this time, however, it’s smart to go through with them. Provided, that is, that you really need WhatsApp.
You need to install this update
By the way, those who want to wait until October 24 should equip themselves with the latest version of WhatsApp. Indeed, the company behind the popular application recently rolled out new software packed with bug fixes.
A few versions of WhatsApp unfortunately come with rogue code, which can significantly damage your iPhone or Android phone and get you into trouble. So it’s important to get last week’s update on your phone as soon as possible.
Want to know more about that? Then be sure to read the article below!