5 tips to get your Smart Home ready for 2025

5 tips to get your Smart Home ready for 2025

The new year is upon us, and your plans for your Smart Home are bound to grow with it. With these tips, you’re guaranteed to make it a success.

Your Smart Home often starts small, but grows over time into a comprehensive project. Chances are you already have plenty of plans for 2025. But for those plans to truly succeed, it’s important that you prepare your smart home properly.

So time to take a moment to think about your gadgets and get your home in order. These simple tips will help you get the most out of your devices and create a safe, smart and stress-free home.

Here’s how to prepare your Smart Home for 2025

With just a few small changes, you can make quite a difference in your Smart Home. Here come our tips.

#1 Secure your Wi-Fi: shut out digital intruders

Nothing is more dangerous than an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. So check if your network has a password (you can tell by the lock next to the network name) and if not, quickly set up a secure access code.

No idea where to start? Then look on your router: often there is a standard login or QR code there to find your login information.

Lost WiFi password? Is is the solutionFree internet! (Image: Unsplash)

#2 Upgrade your chargers and cables

Are you still using a ancient 5W charger ? Then it really is time for an upgrade. Invest in a fast charger or a power adapter with multiple outputs. This will charge faster and more efficiently.

Do you have multiple devices in your Smart Home? Then check out GaN chargers that can power multiple devices simultaneously. Perfect if you have a household that is always short of electrical outlets.

#3 Use your smart TV even smarter

Smart TVs are convenient, but they also collect mountains of data about what you watch. Go through the settings and turn off tracking options like automated content recognition (ACR). Immediately clean out your app drawer and set up shortcuts for your favorite streaming apps.

Smart TV: here's what you want to watch out forA smart television in your living room (Image: Unsplash)

#4 Check your gadgets and make plans for 2025

This is the time to walk through your Smart Home and see where improvements can be made. Bad sound with the TV? Consider a soundbar. Always a tangle of cables? Invest in organizers and make your setup more organized.

Let your smart speakers do the work and distribute music or podcasts throughout the house. And, of course, don’t forget to check if your router, laptop and other devices are due for an update or replacement.

#5 Update your Smart Home

Last but not least, make sure you’re all caught up with updates. From your smartphone to your smart thermostat, updates are important for your security and often provide new features.

Do you still have devices in your Smart Home with outdated software? Maybe now is a good time to upgrade or replace them.

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