If you want to get something done through the Google Assistant, you need to speak the now familiar phrase “Hey Google” to do so. Then you share the command and the voice assistant executes it. But what if the Assistant goes on talking too long and you’ve already heard what you wanted to hear?
Then you just use the word “stop” in the future. At least, that’s what Google says in a message on Twitter. For now, this only works on smart displays and smart speakers, so not yet on your smartphone or tablet. So you don’t have to use the “Hey Google” for this command anymore.
“Hey Google, stop”
We tried it out for a while here at the editorial office ourselves and came up cold. When requesting, for example, the weather report, the Google Assistant kept on talking after we called “stop”. She only really stopped talking the moment we used the text “Hey Google, stop”, unfortunately.
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Helpful new Google Assistant feature alert! Want your smart display or speaker to stop talking? Just say “stop” – no #HeyGoogle needed.
– Google (@Google) January 25, 2022
So it is probably the case that this option is not available in the Netherlands for the time being. In any case, we see no mention of this on the Dutch Twitter account. We have also not received a press release. It looks like we in the Netherlands still have to wait for the new option.
Google Assistant in the Netherlands
It is quite unfortunate that certain features take longer to arrive in the Netherlands. In any case, the American version, or English version, is much more extensive than the version we have in the Netherlands. The Google Assistant can be so much better than it is now; but we understand that it takes time to implement specific things in other languages.
Nevertheless, we are looking forward to addressing the Google Assistant with a single word, through the word “stop.” With a single word, she stops talking about the weather or the news, and you silence the alarms of alarm clocks and timers. Sometimes it’s the little things in life.