A lot of Instagram users have been asking for it for years, but now it’s finally here. The company is allowing users to schedule posts on the social medium. With this move, the app wants to make sure videographers stay connected to the platform; more tools will help with that.
In a recently published post on Instagram, the company reveals that the feature was added based on feedback from the user base. If by “feedback” you mean “supplication,” then we’re on the same page again. Users didn’t ask for this, but have been begging for it for years. Anyway, tomatoes, tomatoes.
Schedule posts on Instagram
The rollout of the new option has begun. But it may still be a few weeks before everyone schedules posts on Instagram. In any case, it’s already nice to know that the feature will soon be available worldwide and no continent will be left behind. And those few weeks of waiting can go with it.
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Once you have access to scheduling, you can prepare posts up to 75 days before publication. At least you can work ahead for a while. By the way, this applies to different types of content on the popular platform. You can schedule regular videos, as well as Carousels and Reels when needed.
Schedule posts on the medium
Scheduling a post on Instagram fortunately does not require too many steps. First, you need to create a post as you normally would. When you’re done, find the advanced settings for the scheduling feature. There you enter the time and date that the post goes live. A child can do the laundry.
Furthermore, Instagram is also rolling out an achievements system. When you perform specific actions as a creator, you can be rewarded for them from now on. Think of collaborating with another video creator or making your TikTok-like posts more interactive. This option is still in a testing phase.