WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new camera feature for your iPhone. The new functionality should allow you to record a video at lightning speed and share it instantly with people in chat. The new camera mode is currently being tested in beta, according to WABetaInfo.
Now when you want to take a quick video via WhatsApp on your iPhone, it’s basically through the photography interface. By tapping the shutter button, you take a picture. If you hold it down longer, you make a video. This often does not work optimally, because you have to keep your finger or thumb constantly on the screen.
New camera mode for WhatsApp
The new camera mode on iPhone allows users to simply switch between camera modes without having to leave the WhatsApp app. Earlier, this functionality was released for the Android beta of the app, but so now it’s the turn of iOS users as well. These continue to be nice developments.
New camera mode for WhatsApp on iPhone
WhatsApp recently released a new version of its app through TestFlight. That is a service that allows users to test apps and updates before they are available to everyone. As a tester, you need at least version (which is described in the app as This is also TestFlight build 23.1.0 (437625963).
How to recognize the update on iPhone?
In case you can’t find the numbers on your iPhone so quickly, no problem. Because you can also just open the camera mode within WhatsApp to see if you have already received the update. At the bottom you will see the words “video” and “photo”. So the video mode was recently added by the company.
Meanwhile, the communications service is still working on easier ways to be able to transfer your WhatsApp chats from one Android device to another. You won’t need Google Drive then, but do so entirely via QR codes. Android users will find those options under the chat settings.