You can expect an update for WhatsApp on your iPhone starting now. Some updates bring few things to get excited about, but with this update that’s different. For one thing, Meta is rolling out Status Reactions to the popular messaging service on Apple’s platform.
Users have had to wait a long time for those Status Reactions. But when you download version 22.21.75 (or later), it’s finally here. You can finally leave a comment on a Status Update without adding a message. From now on, you can just comment with a simple emoji.
WhatsApp update for your iPhone
As an Instagram user, you may already be familiar with this. In fact, there you can already respond with emoji to the various Status updates posted by your friends. After viewing the status, you swipe up once and leave an emoji. The feature works pretty much the same on WhatsApp.
(Image: WABetaInfo)
By the way, this is not the only functionality WhatsApp is adding with the fresh update (via WABetaInfo). Because from now on, you can also create a call link within the call tab. With such a link, you can invite someone for a phone call on WhatsApp, without exchanging numbers or anything like that.
Recover deleted messages
Additionally, you can retrieve a deleted message. Some users complain about accidentally deleting a message just for themselves. The latest version of WhatsApp allows you to fix the mistake. The undo button is then on the screen for a few seconds.
Finally, this version of WhatsApp offers administrators handy options. They get a notification the moment someone leaves a group. They can also delete other people’s messages for everyone in the group. Now let’s hope this won’t create any inappropriate or uncomfortable situations….