If you have a smart device, the government would like you to update it. But why is it necessary in your Smart Home?
We all have smart devices in our homes these days, even if you don’t really realize it. Think about your television or video doorbell, for example. Once it can connect to the Internet, you can actually call it smart.
You then actually have your own Smart Home in no time. Very convenient, because it makes home life so much easier. Think of smart lighting that lights up exactly when you want. Or how about that robot vacuum cleaner that literally does the dirty work for you. Yet a Smart Home also has drawbacks, and the government warns against them.
Warning for Smart Home users
And that warning is especially true if you’re going on vacation. That’s because the government wants you to update your smart devices. Research it commissioned from Verian shows that many people do not.
Some four in 10 Dutch people use a smart device without updating, and even a third of those surveyed have never checked a device for updates.
Simply connect the IKEA Home Smart app to your Smart Home products. (Image: IKEA)
Eight in 10 Dutch people have at least one smart device – besides their smartphone and computer. If you extend that percentage, researchers say there are at least one million devices that have been commissioned without an update.
The importance of updating
Checking for updates is important because there are often software bugs in the device at the beginning. For example, a security camera in your Smart Home may give false alerts and the smart lights may not turn on in time. This is obviously annoying and can reduce security.
But perhaps more importantly, unupdated devices are easier prey for hackers. Manufacturers also perform updates to close security vulnerabilities that were unknown at the time the device came out.
Being extra vigilant before the vacations
It is extra important to update your device before vacation. You will be away from home and no longer have full control. For example, if hackers hack your doorbell camera or a security camera, they can see exactly that you are not home. Your home is then an easy target for criminals. And that’s why the government is now launching a special campaign to update your Smart Home.
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That campaign should alert people to check their devices for updates at least once a month. Many gadgets automatically look for updates, but this is by no means always the case. So it’s a good idea to check it yourself.