Buy a new Apple smartphone now or better wait for that iPhone 16?

We’re not far away from that new iPhone 16, so it’s time for the annual question: is it smart to buy a new one now or is it better to wait a little longer?

In just over two months, Apple will in all likelihood announce the new iPhone 16. The smartphone will bring with it the necessary improvements and will also reportedly get a fairly new look. Plenty to be excited about.

This also revives the age-old question. Is it smart to buy a new iPhone now, or is it better to wait a while until Apple announces the new model?

When will the iPhone 16 be announced?

In all likelihood, the iPhone 16 will see the light of day in September. This has been the case no less than five times in at least the past six years. Only in 2020, the year of COVID-19, did Apple announce its new smartphone in October.

In that regard, the second Tuesday of the month of September is the time for the new iPhone. Should that be the case again this year, we may put Tuesday, September 10, in the calendar. The announcement will then take place around 7 p.m., considering that has been the case for years.

iPhone announcements over the years

XS | September 12, 2018

11 | September 10, 2019

12 | October 13, 2020

13 | September 14, 2021

14 | September 7, 2022

15 | September 12, 2023

Apple may well choose to do it a week earlier, but given that IFA is taking place in Berlin, I consider that chance to be pretty slim. On Friday, September 13, I believe the new iPhone 16 will be available for pre-order and you can expect it a week later.

Provided everything goes as expected, that is.

This is what Apple’s lineup is likely to look like

At the time of writing, Apple has eight different iPhone models in its lineup. In addition to the current iPhone 15 series, the 14, 13 and the SE are still being sold.

There is no doubt that Apple will stick with this strategy through 2024. In this regard, the lineup would look as follows:

iPhone 16 (Plus)

iPhone 16 Pro (Max)

iPhone 15 (Plus)

iPhone 14 (Plus)

iPhone SE

What prices will be associated with it we do not know at this time. But next to the SE, the 13 is the cheapest with a starting price of 749 euros.

Listen to Freakin’ Nerds

WANT editor-in-chief Mark Hofman celebrates in Apple Park not only the 4 million followers of Niels van Straaten (AppleDsign), but also the arrival of Apple Intelligence. Is that something to be excited about, how does it work and is it actually safe?

Waiting for the iPhone 16 or getting a new one now?

Although Europe is missing out for now, Apple Intelligence is no doubt going to play a role in the purchase of a new smartphone. AI is most likely coming to all iPhone 16 series models. At the moment, only the Pro models are provided, which is already a reason to wait.

But even if you don’t want the latest features or a new design, it’s time to wait. Once the new Apple smartphone is announced, all current models will drop in price. So unless you want to pick up a 15 Pro or Pro Max, waiting is simply your best option.

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