Spotify throws a bucket of AI against podcasts and were

Flirting with your favo celebrity: Google is (possibly) going to make it happen

Always wanted to practice your flirting skills on Margot Robbie, Scarlett Johansson or Henry Cavill? Google may come to the rescue with AI versions of your favorite celebrities that you can talk to.

We know YouTube mostly as the place where you check music videos, maybe watch a podcast or follow your favorite vlogger. But thanks to Google, that may soon also be where you flirt with your favorite celebs. Huh? We’ll explain.

ChatGPT helps you with your work papers, Apple Intelligence provides a kind of Siri on steroids and now rumor has it that Google is also developing even more AI applications.

Google’s AI model that lets you talk to celebrities and characters

According to The Information, Google is working on an AI model that can imitate celebrities as well as characters from books, games and movies. In addition, this AI should serve as a template of sorts, allowing you to develop your own character just by describing someone’s appearance. YouTube, according to some sources, would be where Google wants to launch the AI.

This idea is not entirely unique, as Character.ia already offers a similar service. In addition, it is not entirely clear why exactly Google wants to capitalize on this trend, if you want to call it that. For example, Meta, the parent company behind Facebook and Instagram, already has such a celebrity-based chatbot and it is not very successful. Whereas the real Snoop Dogg has 87.6 million followers on Instagram, the chatbot version of him has “only” 15,000.

Gemini, the AI that Google already has at the ready, will likely play a major role in the operation of this new model. In addition, the company is reportedly in the process of partnering with influencers and celebrities, possibly to use their faces (and perhaps voices?). Exactly who these are, that is not yet known.

Still, this news should be taken with a grain of salt: chances are these AI celebs will only appear in Google Labs, the platform where the company tests some more experimental products and services.

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