1716562761 This free PlayStation emulator is perfect for your iPhone

This free PlayStation emulator is perfect for your iPhone

You can now play PlayStation games for free on your iPhone and iPad. You just need to download an emulator from the App Store called Gamma.

About a month ago, some positive changes came to the iOS App Store. These changes have meant that, among other things, you can now download game emulators from the App Store on your iPhone and iPad.

This has allowed developers to finally bring their apps to the App Store. One of these emulators is called Gamma. This is an emulator on which you can play PlayStation games, and it is completely free to download on the iPhone.

The best PlayStation emulator for your iPhone

Gamma is the perfect PlayStation emulator for your iPhone or iPad. First of all, the emulator is absolutely free to download from the App Store. With Gamma, you get the chance to play iconic PlayStation games like Gran Turismo or Crash Bandicoot on the go on your iPhone.

Just don’t try to download PlayStation 2, 3 or let alone newer games, as the app only supports original PlayStation games. If you were hoping to play The Last of Us on your iPhone on the train, unfortunately you’re out of luck.

This free PlayStation emulator is perfect for your iPhoneCrash Bandicoot (1996) (Image: Sony Computer Entertainment)

Gamma does not provide PlayStation games with the app download for iPhone. If you want to play a particular game, you have to provide the ROM yourself.


The emulator Gamma was created by ZodTTD. This developer is best known for creating multiple apps and special customizations for iPhones that are jailbroken. Jailbreaking is when you abuse the flaws of an Android or iPhone to download things onto the device that were not actually made possible by the creators. Doing so does void the warranty, so you should think carefully.


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But this time ZodTTD seems to be taking a different approach with its PlayStation emulator that you can simply download from the App Store. This will allow anyone with an iPhone or iPad to use its apps. Courtesy of changes to the iOS App Store, of course.

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