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Sony slams PlayStation Plus subscription prices up sharply

Sony has announced a price increase for PlayStation Plus. So those who want to access an arsenal of games and play online will have to pull out the wallet (a little) more heavily. Welcome to 2023.

Remarkably, Sony has opted to only jack up annual subscriptions to PlayStation Plus. While it still remains cheaper to opt for such a subscription, you simply get less benefit from it.

PlayStation Plus annual subscriptions much more expensive

PlayStation Plus has three different subscription options: Essential, Extra and Premium. Each subscription comes with its own benefits and thus its own, increased price as of Sept. 6.

An overview, including new prices:

Essential from 56.99 euros to 71.99 euros

Essential is the cheapest option if you want a PlayStation Plus subscription. It allows you to use online multiplayer, store your games in the cloud or get discounts on new titles.

A big advantage of Essential is that, as before, you can expect three free games every month. These are available temporarily and can be played at any time, provided you do well, of course.

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Where you used to pay 56.99 euros for that subscription, from now on it will be 71.99 euros. A hefty increase, in other words.

PlayStation Plus Essential will cost you 8.99 euros per month or 24.99 euros per quarter, by the way.

PlayStation Plus Extra from $99.99 to $125.99

PlayStation Plus Extra offers the same benefits as the Essential subscription, only offering something extra.

In addition to online multiplayer and free monthly games, you also get access to an arsenal of games. We’re talking 400 to 500 games for the PS4 and PS5 + access to titles from the Ubisoft+ Classics collection.

Hogwarts Legacy, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Harry PotterLegacy (Image: Portkey Games / Warner Bros.)

So where you used to pay 99.99 euros for an annual subscription, you will soon tap 125.99 euros.

The PlayStation Plus Extra subscription will cost you 13.99 euros per month or 39.99 euros per quarter.

Premium goes from $119.99 to $151.99

With PlayStation Plus Premium, you simply get the most out of the subscription. In addition to the benefits of Essential and Extra, you get a classic touch.

It is possible to play PlayStation 3, PSX, PSP and PS2 games with Premium. In doing so, it is also possible to try out certain titles.

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The annual subscription to PlayStation Plus Premium goes from $119.99 to $151.99.

The Premium subscription will cost you €16.99 per month and €49.99 per quarter.

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