1689674946 Original iPhone under hammer for exorbitant amount

Original iPhone under hammer for exorbitant amount

The original iPhone, released 15 years ago, sold for an exorbitant amount. The model, with a unique 4GB of storage capacity, sold for a fat 169,000 euros.

Considering the iPhone sold for $599 in 2007, the device thus sold for over 300 more in 2023. That’s a new record, but what makes this model so special?

Original iPhone sold for absurdly high amount

This is certainly not the first time a 2007 iPhone has gone under the hammer for a large sum. For example, before the LGC Auctions auction, the record stood at over $63,000 for a sold model. Converted to just under $56,000.

Impressive, but the new record of over $190,000 (i.e., $169,000 converted) does show a very big difference. And that has to do with two things.

First, this iPhone is special, considering that it is armed with 4GB of storage capacity. Unique because this model was dropped fairly soon after the launch of the Apple smartphone. Consumers at the time were much more interested in the model with 8GB storage, so the 4GB model was quickly replaced.

Second, the iPhone was still fully packaged in its original packaging. Slightly less special perhaps, but according to LGC Auctions, it was the exceptional condition that did it for it. No damage to the edges of the packaging, the plastic was still completely clean and the labels looked excellent.


From Apple’s design team

It is the holy grail for the true collector. Especially because of the provenance of the original iPhone. The Apple smartphone comes from someone who was involved in the American company’s design team in 2007, according to the auction house.

‘An iPod, a phone and an Internet communicator’ were Steve Jobs’ iconic words during the iPhone’s presentation. ‘Today Apple is reinventing the phone,’ and it did.

In 2007, the iPhone was not only named the invention of the year, but Apple sold 1.4 million models. It opened the gates that year to the smartphones we all use today.

So the fact that collectors want a piece of that history in their homes is actually quite understandable.

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