The problem making us wait longer for the iPhone 15

iPhone finally gets this new feature after 17 years

Until now, the App Store has been the only place on your iPhone where you can download apps and games. That’s about to change because of the European Union that will allow you to go to other digital stores as well. And that has big implications.

The iPhone was always a closed stronghold and that’s largely because of the App Store. Apple was the only one able to sell apps giving it a monopoly. The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) changes that. It forces Apple to allow other app stores as well, or as it has it in fancy English: sideloading.

Apple must allow other stores by March 7. According to Bloomberg’s well-informed Mark Gurman, Apple is already ready.

Two different versions of the App Store on the iPhone

According to an insider, Apple is going to divide the App Store into two to make this possible. One will be specifically for Europe and the second will be for the rest of the world. Thus, it seems that only Europe will benefit from multiple app stores. This will be rolled out in a new version of iOS in the coming weeks.

Exactly how Apple will allow App Store competitors is still unknown. Will it be possible from dedicated websites, or will it only be possible in dedicated apps?

App Store, iPhoneNo longer the only place to buy an app. (Image: EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO)

By the way, this does not mean that you will suddenly pay less when you purchase apps on your iPhone. Apple gets commissions even on purchases you make through another app store. If providers want to offer third-party payment options, they will have to bear the cost of doing so themselves.

Competitors lurk for Apple

It is obvious that there are immediate parties that want to get on top of this. Indeed, two are as good as certain.

First, of course, is Epic, which was engaged in a legal battle with Apple for years for not allowing alternative payment systems. Which already has an Epic Game Store on the PC, and it will have to be odd if it doesn’t come to the iPhone.

Another hijacker on the coast is Microsoft. This company previously revealed that it is working on an app store to bring Xbox games to Apple devices, such as the iPhone. Right now, the company cannot do that yet. This feature will make Xbox even more interesting to a larger group of people.

Which other parties will compete with Apple is still unknown. So perhaps we are going to see more App Store competitors on the iPhone.

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