The messaging service Signal is a handy app and great alternative to WhatsApp for people who value their privacy more. However, the app is also a bit known for lacking a lot of features. This has been changing little by little lately. We see that happening today as well, thankfully.
Signal is now rolling out a new option that lets you easily change your number within the app – without losing your messages. Previously, this meant you’d lose everything. All your chats, all your groups, and indeed all your messages. But that period is now – thankfully – coming to an end.
Signal update makes life easier
The process for switching to a new number does require some steps. You have to make sure that you can receive messages from Signal on both the old and the new number. So that means you temporarily need two smartphones containing the old and the new sim card.
Just like that (Image: Signal)
Under your account settings, you will then see the option for changing your phone number. There you need to enter both phone numbers. Next, Signal helps you through the steps that appear on screen. You’ll have to deal with the usual registration process, without losing your chats and groups.
And after changing?
After changing your phone number, contacts on Signal will see an automated message that your number has changed. Also, there is immediately a shortcut on the screen with which those contacts can change your number in their phonebook. Very convenient, and very neat of the app.
So this option is meant for the people who keep their old phone, but have a new number. Should you keep your old number and set up a new phone, you can use a free tool to transfer all the data.