The worst passwords to use in 2024

The worst passwords to use in 2024

Coming up with a good password is a tough challenge. Consequently, many people are pretty bad at it. In fact, a lot of codes are very easy to crack.

Every year, experts from various security services release lists of the most commonly used (and leaked) access codes. These lists are based on leaked password database data.

So the codes on these lists are definitely not something you should use. They are not only boring, but also very easy for hackers to crack.

The most commonly used passwords according to NordPass

Password manager NordPass has compiled a list of the most commonly used passwords. They have worked with researchers and data from public databases. So it is not convenient to use any of the codes below.


All of these passwords are tremendously easy to guess. A computer can crack them in less than 12 seconds. Words lower down the list are also quite easy to unravel. For example, “Qwerty” is at spot 25 and “admin123” is at spot 18.

La Casa de Papel Korea Android hackersBig middle finger to hackers! (Image: Jung Jaegu/Netflix)

The worst access codes according to the Hasso Plattner Institute

Germany’s Hasso Plattner Institut also released a list of the most popular leaked codes. The data comes from publicly available sources. Here is the top 10:

target123 said:
I love you
gwerty123 said:

Why do we use bad passwords so often?

Almost all leaked passwords have one thing in common: they are easy to remember. Users of computers and electronic devices who do not use password managers tend to choose weak codes. Many people also reuse the same password over and over again, making them an easy target.

It is hugely important to keep your codes secure. Therefore, make use of a password manager. These services come in free and affordable versions and can create strong passwords for you and keep them safe. We’ve listed our favorite options for you in the article below:

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