Building a world with your voice metaverse demo makes it

Building a world with your voice: metaverse demo makes it possible

Customizing the metaverse around you with voice commands: that’s a future that Meta-CEO Mark Zuckerberg envisions. With a demo, the top man shows how users can generate or import digital items into the virtual world. To do so, the company uses a special tool called Builder Bot.

Zuckerberg describes the bot as an “exploratory concept” that shows what you can do with artificial intelligence in the metaverse. The CEO explains everything in a pre-recorded video, which can also be seen on YouTube. There it is easy to see how he shapes a digital world by speaking commands out loud.

Shape your own metaverse

First we see how the digital world in the metaverse changes to a park. But when Zuckerberg changes his mind and talks about a beach, the whole environment changes again. Then the Facebook founder adds clouds, which he later further specifies to demonstrate how precisely you can shape something.

And so there are some more examples that you watch in the video above. The message is clear: the Builder Bot in the metaverse makes what you propose. It is still a prototype, but the result is quite impressive. If you are somewhat creatively inclined, a whole new world will open up for you.

Simple look and layout

That said, we still notice the limitations. As nice as this technology sounds, the graphical power in the metaverse is still limited. The Builder Bot puts down simplistic objects and there is very little interaction yet. As a digital experience, this probably won’t go past the level of a children’s party just yet.

A true “metaverse,” as seen in sci-fi stories, does not yet exist. But Zuckerberg and his company are pushing hard to make it happen. The term is still a buzzword now, but Meta is betting the whole company on it and will do everything in its power to sway public opinion to the positive.

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