WhatsApp is going to do exactly what Twitter has actually

WhatsApp problem new iPhone users past for good

Those who make the switch from Android to iOS will no doubt take WhatsApp with them. Although then there is always a problem that iPhone users run into.

Of course, it doesn’t happen often: switching from an Android device to an iPhone. After all, we humans are creatures of habit and often stick to the systems we know. If you have done it anyway, then you recognize a big problem. That problem is called WhatsApp. You see, when you switch, you can’t take your messages with you.

Take your WhatsApp conversations with you.

At least until now, because after years of hassle, this big problem is finally coming to an end. And for good reason you can call this a big change. When you switch, you often have your device full of years of WhatsApp conversations. Think of all the photos and videos you might not have anywhere else. So from now on you can just take them with you when you switch to an iPhone.

Apple has created a new app to make the switch between Android and the iPhone easier. This app is aptly named Move to iOS and is designed to run on Android. Not only can you easily transfer your WhatsApp conversations from your Android device to the new iPhone. The new app also makes sure that your contacts, calendar, text messages and photos, among other things, easily appear on your new device.

WhatsApp iPhoneJust a peek (Image: Apple)

This is how you can transfer it

To make this switch possible, you must have the most recent version of WhatsApp on your Android device. In addition, your smartphone must be running at least Android 5 and you will need the Move to iOS app. Then, on your iPhone, you must be running at least iOS 15.5.

Have you used the Move to iOS app? Then everything should work correctly. This way you can get started with your chats right away. Once you have the chats in, you can put them on your iCloud, so you don’t accidentally delete them after all.

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