The Legend of Zelda has been a magical and successful franchise from Nintendo for years. No wonder there are also many fanatical fans. One managed to recreate an entire game itself with delicious improvements.
The first game of the successful franchise was released in 1987. But by now, Nintendo has long since moved on from that. The game maker is making a movie around the game. So you can soon admire Zelda on the silver screen.
An anonymous Nintendo fan created a new version of 1993’s The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. The game is not only for the Game Boy, but you can download it for free on any device. And it has some cool improvements over the original.
Fan of The Legend of Zelda: then check out this fan-game
Overall, the new version is the classic you’re used to. You still play as Link, who must solve various puzzles to unravel the mystery of the island of Koholint. But it’s long gone from 1993 so there’s more than enough room for improvement.
You certainly get that with the fan update. So you have support for high frame rates and the ability to zoom out further. The new Zelda game is playable at 120 frames per second (FPS), which the developer describes as adding “unparalleled fluidity. In other words, you can play the game with as few hitches as possible.
Check out the first images of the game here:
The zoom level in the game allows you to zoom out to a scale of 1:1, half a pixel or a third pixel. This allows you to see the entire island and defeat enemies as you walk around. That way, you don’t have to stop to look at the map while playing.
Why you should hurry up downloading
Fans should hurry up downloading the Zelda game. After all, we expect the game to be removed at any moment. Nintendo has a habit of squashing fan games that infringe copyright. Even if they are lovingly made and offered for free.
That also explains why we don’t know who made the Zelda game. The avid fan probably remained anonymous to protect himself (at least for now) from Nintendo’s legal team.
The classic can be downloaded for free at this link, but don’t count on it staying there for long.